Friday 30 November 2018

Screen printing Process - Independent Study

Screen printing is a wonderful process that is a great mix of the digital and the handmade. We can only work on a relatively small scale (A4) but still get detailed and subtle pieces if the process is approached in the correct manner. You are to create an information graphic that evidences your understanding of the process.

Watch the video above to gain a further understanding as to how the screenprint works.
Create a sketchbook page (or more) on the screenprinting process. From creating the artwork, through exposing the screens to the completed print. 
Be creative with your presentational method of explanation. 
Use more images than text.
You could possibly use screenshots from the web or draw it like a comic strip

Deadline: Start of the lesson, Tuesday 4th of December.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Screen Printing your gig poster

Now that you have pushed your ideas through various design decisions, it's time to consider which one would be best suited to the process of screen print.
Look through the presentation above to see examples of how 2 and three colours can be employed.
I will then work with you to turn your design into the separate layers needed.
Pinterest board of screen print is HERE

Please ensure that you have included the following on your sketchbook:

  • Screenshots that explain the process to the examiner and break down complex processes in Photoshop
  • Photographs of the physical process with short explanation
  • Final piece
  • Analysis
Describe the feeling that the poster is communicating.
What is its personality? What is the audience immediately getting? Which elements of the design relate to the band or music? Is this Pragmatic or Poetic?

Explain the choice of:
Iconography / Colour scheme / Rendering approach / Typographic personality
Composition / Any other observations?

Deadline to be confirmed. First come, first served with the screens!

Wednesday 21 November 2018

10 Design Decisions

Now that you have created a set of designs with ink and overlay, it's time to see how you can develop them further.
Task 1
Grab a pen or pencil and work in your book. Using the '10 design decisions', draft posters quickly and with annotations. Work approximately A5 or A6 size.  Don't moan, you have to get used to drawing and planning. This is where most of your ideas will develop and therefore where most of the marks lie. 
Task 2
Use Photoshop (or any other method that is suitable) to create as many of these designs as possible. Playfulness, risk-taking, and skill are your keywords.

5 hours in class and  5 hours of independent study.
Deadline: End of lesson. Thursday 29th of Nov.

Monday 22 October 2018

Inky overlay process - Aspect To Aspect

To create a set of illustrations that utilise the design process for making screen prints.
To allow for chance to make an appearance in your work.
To work on multiple images in one go with the goal of increasing your success rate.
To introduce you to the idea of 'aspect to aspect' composition.

1. Choose 9 things from your research so far. Look at your 'Developing A Concept' work. This could include any iconography or imagery.

2. Gather images of these. Take your own, or use the web. Put them into an A3 page using Photoshop - see my example below

3. Divide your A3 page up into 9 portrait or 8 landscape panels 

4. Using the lightbox, A3 layout paper and black Indian ink, felt tips, crayon, collage etc,  ink/draw your panels. This is the bit where you need to concentrate as this is important.  You are going to be inking this set of images 3 times. Each of these 'ink passes' needs to be approached in a different way. N.B. Those students that are confident with drawing, do some that are not on the lightbox—'eyeball' them.
Where it's darkest, ensure that this part is inked on all 3 sheets. Lightest parts only get one inking or 'pass'. Geddit?

Photograph each of the 3 'inked' sheets, your A3 reference sheet, screenshot your w.i.p. (use close ups).
Post a Jpeg of your favourite outcomes.

Checklist for assessment
Lots of interesting textures used.
Consideration given to tones. Dark tone = 3 passes, Light tone = 1 pass
Exploration of colour.
Good drawing


Example below.